Integrated seed delivery system

Article by Ola Tveitereid Westengen, Ruth Haug, Paul Guthiga and Eric Macharia

Climate change is already negatively affecting Sub Saharan African agriculture. One of the most effective ways to adapt on farm is to switch crop varieties. This technological
change depends on the policies and institutions involved in governing the seed systems on which farmers rely for access to suitable seeds.

Deliverable name: Strategic document strengthening seed system in the case countries
Author(s): Sita Ghimire, Ola Westengen, Isaiah Nyagumbo, Feyisa Hundessa, Mupenzi Mutimura, Esther Bloem, Benjamin Agong, Mokhele Moletsi, Mufunanji Magalasi, Dismas Mwaseba & Ruth Haug

Deliverable name: Integrated Seed System Development
Lead partner: NMBU
Prepared by: NMBU &NIBIO
Other partners involved: HU, SFHC, UoM, SUA
Objective: To enhance availability of farmer preferred seeds for local & national food security