Brachiaria forage-livestock system

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This poster demonstrates the different ways you can feed your animals with Brachiaria grass

Deliverable 1.4:

An overview and SWOT analyses of Sustainable Agriculture Intensification systems and Agricultural Extension Systems in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa and Tanzania

Task leader: CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center) 

Proceedings-23rd International Grassland Congress

Brachiaria grass is an important tropical forage of African origin with desirable attributes of agricultural and environmental significance. Brachiaria has been extensively cultivated as a pasture across the tropics except in its endemic provenance of Africa. In 2013, a collaborative research program was initiated in Kenya and Rwanda with the aim of improving the availability of quality livestock feeds adapted to drought and low fertility soils using Brachiaria. The outcomes sought were increased livestock productivity leading to improved farmer income and the development of seed production opportunities. The program has identified five preferred cultivars, and four of them are currently being evaluated on-farm by over 2000 small-holder farmers in Kenya and Rwanda for livestock productivity. Preliminary milk production data has shown a 15 to 40% increase in milk production in Kenya and an average increase of 36% in Rwanda. The substitution of Napier grass by Brachiaria in the feed has increased average daily body weight gain of cattle by 205g during a 12 week period. Kenyan farmers reported increased on-farm forage availability by three months after Brachiaria introduction. The program has also worked to determine the role of endophytes and plant associated microbes for the improvement of biomass production and adaptation of Brachiaria to biotic and abiotic stresses. A diverse group of fungi and bacteria were isolated, identified and characterized, and the role of these microbes on plant growth and plant pathogen suppression is being investigated. This paper discusses the rationale for selecting Brachiaria as potential forage for eastern Africa and highlights current achievements, and identifies areas for future research.

Article by Tesfai M., Njarui D. M. G. and Ghimire S. R.

Legume-based cropping system and Brachiaria forage system could play a significant role in enhancing food and nutrition security and sustainable intensifications of African agriculture. To reveal this potential, a comprehensive review of literatures and assessment was performed using key indicators in relation to food and nutrition quality, agro-ecological services and socioeconomic benefits.